NSCA Foundation Hammer Strength Equipment Grant: Hames Center, Sitka, Alaska
1m 36s
Check out the great work that Hammer Strength and the NSCA Foundation are doing for performance centers like the Hames Center in beautiful Sitka, Alaska! Interested in applying for this grant? You can find more information here: https://www.nsca.com/grants/ .
Block Periodization Subtypes - Nuance...
Mechanical Perspectives on Injury Pre...
From the 2022 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Luke Bradford discusses injury prevention programming from a perspective of the structures of the body and the application of mechanics. Access the CEU quiz here: https://www.nsca.com/certification/ceu-quizzes/mechanical-perspectives-on-injury-prevention/
How Great Coaches Speak: Practical Co...
In this session from the NSCA's 2023 Personal Trainers Virtual Conference, Jenny Rearick discusses what role your body language and voice play in how you and your message are received. She identifies three nonverbal communication skills to create connection, bolster your credibility, and decrease...