Firefighter Wellness and Resiliency Maximizing Success Using a 4-Pillar Approach
From the 2021 NSCA Tactical Annual Training, Annette Zapp discusses wellness amongst firefighters and how tactical facilitators can influence behaviors, habits, movement, mental acuity, and dietary choices to help them live their best lives.
The Effects of Wearing Law Enforcemen...
This poster presentation was given at the 2022 National Conference. Megan Sax van der Weyden from George Mason University, discusses the findings from the research looking at postural stability of law enforcement officers when wearing a duty belt and a vest.
Improvement in ACFT Performance 72 Hr...
In this Podium Presentation, originally presented at the 2022 National Conference, Christopher Bonilla discusses the findings of the research investigating whether there was any improvement in the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) performance if the ROTC cadets have the opportunity to perform a pra...
Soldier Readiness: Combat Relevant Te...
In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 TSAC Annual Training, Karen Daigle presents the opportunities and challenges associated with various levels of strength and conditioning and medical resources embedded in operational military units.